Sunday, 13 September 2009

I am an award-winning playwright.

The awards ceremony for the Gloucester One Act Play Festival was held this evening. Broadcast and those involved in its occurring had been nominated for six categories:

Best Set
Best Director
Best Actress
Best Actor
Best Original Play
Best Play

In fact, the only categories we weren't nominated for were Best Juvenile Production and Best Supporting Actor/Actress, neither of which we were eligible for anyway as it was an adult cast of two.

I wasn't present at the ceremony due to my recent relocation to Plymouth, but I received regular updates from the cast and the other members of Nailsworth Dramatic Society who had gone along to cheer them on. I expected us to maybe pick up one or two of the awards, seeing as we'd been nominated in so many categories, but to my great astonishment we won the lot. All six. Huzzahs all round, methinks!

I've said it elsewhere, but I am hugely indebted to the members of Nailsworth Dramatic Society who assisted me in all manner of ways to finally get one of my plays off the page and into a theatre at long last. It's been a wonderful experience.

PS - I have a shitty audio recording of the final performance which I shall try and make available to any interested parties just as soon as I've cleaned it up as best I can.